Channel: Geethanjali - Yoga
Category: Sports
Tags: yoga for backpainback pain exerciseyoga poses to relieve back painsciatica stretchesyogaananda balayogi bhavananiyoga for back painyoga for spinal healthupper back stretchesyoga for the spineback painspinal healthyoga postures for back painyoga for spineexercises for lower backyogacharya dr ananda balayogi bhavananiicyerlower back pain relief exercisesmorning yogayoga poses to soothe lower back painchatus pada asanayoga at home
Description: Yoga For Back and Spine | Chatus Pada Asana | Step By Step Yoga Asana For Spinal Health PRESENTED BY: DR.ANANDA BALAYOGI BHAVANANI OF ANANDA ASHRAM ICYER PONDICHERRY Chatus Pada Asana - Chatus Pada Asana Yoga helps normalize the immune system and balance the anabolic-catabolic metabolism thus bringing about an improvement in the arthritic condition. Chatus Pada Asana procedure: Sit in Vajrasana. Place both palms on the ground in front of you and lift up until you are in a four footed pose. Your weight should be equally balanced on your two hands and knees. Keep your body parallel to the ground and perform deep and rhythmic breathing. When we perform chatus pada asana, our body organs are free from the negative effects of gravity that are otherwise always present during the upright stance of our daily life. After performing the posture for a comfortable period of time, slowly relax back to the Vajrasana and enjoy the feeling of relief that is produced by this simple but effective posture. Subscribe to our Cartoon For Kids Channel: #yogaforback #pranayama #yoga #yogasana #chatuspadaasana #yogaforweightloss #yogaforbeginners #yogaforstress #anandabalayogibhavanani